How long does Facebook own Instagram?

How long does Facebook own Instagram?

Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram in 2012 was a significant milestone in the history of social media. Since then, Instagram has grown into one of the most popular platforms worldwide, offering users a unique way to share photos, videos, and connect with others. In this article, we will delve into the details of Facebook’s ownership of Instagram and explore its impact on both platforms. This article is created by

Introduction to the Facebook-Instagram Acquisition

The acquisition of Instagram by Facebook took place on April 9, 2012. At that time, Instagram was an emerging photo-sharing app with a rapidly growing user base. Facebook recognized the potential of the platform and acquired it for approximately $1 billion in cash and stock.

The Early Days of Facebook’s Ownership

After the acquisition, Facebook allowed Instagram to operate as an independent entity, maintaining its own brand and user experience. This approach aimed to preserve Instagram’s unique identity while benefiting from Facebook’s resources and expertise. With the integration of the two platforms, users can now seamlessly use the facebook and instagram connected devices for a more streamlined experience.

During the early years of Facebook’s ownership, Instagram continued to grow in popularity. New features were introduced, such as Instagram Stories, which added a new dimension to the platform and enhanced user engagement. These updates helped Instagram attract a broader user base and solidify its position as a leading social media platform.

Integration of Facebook and InstagramHow long does Facebook own Instagram?

Over time, Facebook started integrating certain features and functionalities between its main platform and Instagram. Users were given the option to link their Facebook and Instagram accounts, allowing them to share posts simultaneously on both platforms. This integration aimed to provide a seamless experience for users who were active on both Facebook and Instagram.

Additionally, Facebook introduced advertising options on Instagram, leveraging its extensive advertising infrastructure. This move enabled businesses to reach a wider audience and tap into the growing user base of Instagram. As a result, Instagram became a valuable advertising platform for businesses of all sizes.

The Present and Future of Facebook’s Ownership

As of now, Facebook continues to own Instagram, and the two platforms remain closely interconnected. Instagram has evolved into an essential part of Facebook’s ecosystem, serving as a significant source of revenue and user engagement.

Under Facebook’s ownership, Instagram has undergone several updates and improvements. The platform has introduced features like IGTV, Reels, and Shopping, expanding its capabilities beyond photo sharing. These additions have attracted new users and increased the time spent on the platform.

Looking ahead, the future of Facebook’s ownership of Instagram seems promising. Both platforms are likely to continue exploring new opportunities for growth and innovation. With Facebook’s extensive resources and global reach, Instagram has the potential to further expand its user base and offer exciting features to its community.


In conclusion, Facebook has owned Instagram since April 2012. Over the years, this acquisition has proven to be a strategic move for both companies. Facebook’s ownership has allowed Instagram to flourish, offering a diverse range of features and functionalities to its users. The integration between the two platforms has created a seamless experience for users, while also providing valuable advertising opportunities for businesses. As we move forward, Facebook’s ownership of Instagram is expected to drive further growth and innovation in the realm of social media.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Was Instagram profitable before it was acquired by Facebook?

Instagram was not yet profitable at the time of its acquisition by Facebook. However, the acquisition provided Instagram with the necessary resources and infrastructure to monetize its platform successfully.

  1. Did Facebook change the user interface of Instagram after acquiring it?

Initially, Facebook allowed Instagram to maintain its own user interface and brand identity. However, over time, certain design elements and features have been aligned with Facebook’s interface to create a more cohesive experience.

  1. Are there any privacy concerns with Facebook’s ownership of Instagram?

Facebook has faced privacy-related controversies in the past, and some users have expressed concerns about how user data is handled between Facebook and Instagram. However, both platforms have taken steps to enhance user privacy and provide more control over data sharing.

  1. Can I still use Instagram if I don’t have a Facebook account?

Yes, you can still use Instagram even if you don’t have a Facebook account. While there are integration options available, having a Facebook account is not a prerequisite for using Instagram.

  1. Will Facebook ever sell Instagram in the future?

While it’s impossible to predict the future with certainty, as of now, there have been no indications that Facebook intends to sell Instagram. The platform continues to be a valuable asset within Facebook’s portfolio.

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